Casa Rosada - Plaza de Mayo and Bicentennial Museum
The construction of the current Government House began in 1873, when a decree was ordered to build the Correos y Telégrafos building on the corner of Balcarce and Hipólito Yrigoyen.
A few years later, President Julio A. Roca decided to build the definitive Government Palace on the corner of Balcarce and Rivadavia, a building similar to the neighboring Palacio de Correos. Both buildings were joined in 1886 through the portico that today is the entrance to the Casa Rosada that faces Plaza de Mayo.
The Bicentennial Museum is an Argentinean museum located in the old galleries of the Customs Office of Taylor1 in the city of Buenos Aires, inaugurated on May 24, 2011.2 The articles are largely those in the Casa Rosada Presidential Museum, which closed its doors in 2010 to be replaced by this. It contains photographs, paintings and audiovisual material that recreate the different historical periods of the country.